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In the Line of Fire: AI's Protection in Oil & Gas Red Zones

AI's Protection in Oil & Gas Red Zones, Red Zones in Oil & Gas
In the Line of Fire: AI's Protection in Oil & Gas Red Zones

In the high-stakes realm of oil and gas extraction, red zones represent the frontlines where danger lurks at every turn. It is the area on a drilling floor where the interaction between humans and moving equipments take place. From volatile substances to extreme temperatures, workers brave hazardous conditions daily to keep operations running smoothly.

The Perils of Red Zones

These zones are characterized by a multitude of hazards, ranging from flammable gases and toxic chemicals to confined spaces and extreme temperatures. Understanding the inherent risks associated with red zones is crucial for ensuring the safety of workers and mitigating the potential for accidents and incidents.


Here are five perils that enclose red zones at all times -

1. Limited Access

Red zones often have restricted entry points, making it challenging for workers to enter and exit quickly in case of emergencies.

2. Hazardous Atmospheres

The presence of flammable gases, toxic chemicals, and low oxygen levels, posing risks of fires, explosions, and asphyxiation.

The cramped and enclosed nature of many red zone areas, increasing the likelihood of accidents such as entrapment and suffocation.

4. High-Temperature Environments

Red zones may experience elevated temperatures due to equipment operation or proximity to heat sources, leading to heat stress and related health issues.

5. Equipment Hazards

The presence of heavy machinery, high-pressure systems, and rotating equipment in red zones, increasing the risk of crush injuries, falls, and other accidents.

These instances often occur as a risk on the drilling floors and can claim the lives of the workers working in the rigs. Let’s understand the severity of red zone incidents with an example.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon rig underwent a disastrous accident leading to the death of 11 workers and injuring 17. It led to a total sum of penalties and charges of more than $4.5 billion. It all started from a blowout while drilling a well and led to millions of barrels of oil released into the Gulf of Mexico over several months, impacting marine life, coastal ecosystems, and local economies.”

This case maximized the impact across all forms of elements associated with the rig. However, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a new shield has emerged to safeguard workers in these perilous environments and make the process of drilling and red zone monitoring sustainable in nature.


viAct’s Red Zone Management is a modern day solution to the hazardous perils of red zones in the drilling rigs. The Oil & Gas sector works under extensive circumstances and through this solution a comprehensive and accurate method of monitoring is innovated. The red zone monitoring system designed integrates the best technologies empowered through AI and helps to resolve the key issues.

Here are 4 AI-based Protection Features by viAct for Red Zones

viAct for Red Zones, Red Zones, AI-powered Red Zone Monitoring System
4 AI-based Protection Features by viAct for Red Zones

1. Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)

It revolutionizes safety protocols on drilling rigs through strategic deployment of IoT sensors and AI-driven cameras.

  • Sensors installed near equipment can detect anomalies like overheating, leaks, or abnormal vibrations, triggering immediate alerts.

  • AI-powered cameras monitor worker movements, flagging unsafe behaviors such as unauthorized entry into red zones or improper equipment handling.

  • AIoT sensors can detect a gas leaks within seconds and prompt  an automatic shutdown and evacuation, averting a potential disaster.

2. Computer Vision & Video Analytics

It utilize AI algorithms to analyze visual data through the installed cameras, detecting patterns and objects and provide insights and actionable intelligence for enhanced safety and operational efficiency.

  • Scrutinizing the movement patterns of workers, the system identifies potential hazards like improper equipment handling or risky maneuvers.

  • Uses real time video streams to decode the behaviour or generate a trend and send instant alerts

  • Detection of workers behaviors uncovered inefficient work practices, leading to the implementation of targeted training programs to enhance operational efficiency.

3. Generative AI

The role of Generative AI is quite crucial as it has the ability to process present data on red zones at real time and suggest best possible recommendations for the future.

  • It identifies incident patterns and trends across red zones, offering proactive recommendations for enhanced safety.

  • Chatbots to generate instant suggestions and feedbacks to workers in the absence of supervisor.

  • An intuitive incident logging dashboard, working alongside viAct's platform to analyze historical data at anytime.

  • Analyzes past incidents to predict potential hazards.

4. Digital Permit Management

When all operations in the present times are converted to online mode, then why not the permits to work as well. In viAct’s red zone management system, the workers can get their permit to work (PTW) in a digital format reducing the hassles of seeking offline permits.

  • Paperless permit seeking with instant verification and authorisation

  • Digital verification of training and qualification to enter red zones

  • Reduces the risk of unauthorized entry and enhancing overall safety protocols

viAct's red zone management system, powered by AI, stands out as the ultimate solution for ensuring safety in high-risk areas on drilling rigs. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Computer Vision, Video Analytics, and Generative AI, viAct offers unparalleled capabilities in identifying potential hazards, providing real-time alerts, and offering actionable insights for enhanced safety protocols.


The ability to analyze historical data and identify patterns further strengthens viAct's position as the best-in-class solution for red zone management in the oil and gas industry. In essence, viAct's AI-driven approach revolutionizes safety practices, mitigates risks, and fosters a culture of safety excellence in the challenging environments of drilling rigs.


Intrigued by the AI based features of viAct’s

Red Zone Monitoring System?


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